Sunday, May 5, 2013

Let's get our priorities straight, Washington

Just a Sunday morning rant. Benghazi? Ethics? Fiscal policy? Defense? Gun control? Obamacare? The Government's Budget?

Ok, has Congress yet figured out the priorities yet? Reading the news all over the web this morning, it just looks like Congress has no idea really what it is doing. It keeps flip flopping back and forth with no real priorities. What does that mean?

It really means a lack of leadership on their part. We the people are screaming for change in the right direction, yet those rants and raves are falling on deaf ears. Yet if you do listen to some of the conservative radio talk shows they are saying the paradigm is shifting. I sure hope that is true, but when you look at the media all over the net, TV, etc., you don't see any real 'consistency' of priorities.

What do I mean by a consistency of priorities? Well, let's see. The questions I asked above. You see the priorities? I don't. All I see is a bunch of political hogwash, jumping back and forth and no real direction. Again, what does this mean? Leadership.

Yes, America. We need leadership. I'm not just talking about the President. We need Congress to lead. After all, the founders put most of the decision making within the Legistlative branch of the government, but the other checks and balances are there to help guide them. That means all three branches working together. I don't see any of that.

Do you? Things to ponder...

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